Join us for an Exhibitor Faire with a twist! Meet face-to-face with management company decision makers as they staff each exhibit table and Business Partners visit the tables for five-minute interactions in a speed networking format. Sponsorships are guaranteed attendance at the event. (No additional registration spots will be sold.) Meet face-to-face with management company decision makers!
Sponsorship Options
Premier Sponsor | $1,000 - SOLD OUT
Event Sponsor | $800
Exclusive networking with management companies with the opportunity to schedule appointments in advance with six (6) management companies. Includes registration for two company representatives (stay together for appointments), recognition at the start of the trade show, and company logo on marketing material. Opportunity to hand out company information or promo swag items during appointments.
Interaction Sponsor | $650
Includes registration for two company representatives that will visit management companies together. (enter networking area after event sponsors). Includes company name on marketing material.
If you are a management company and would like to exhibit, please contact
CID Management Solutions, Inc.
Community Property Management
Concord Consulting & Association Services
FirstService Residential
HOA Organizers
Lordon Management
PMP Management
Ross Morgan & Company, Inc.
RowCal Property Management
Seabreeze Management Company, Inc.
Spectrum Property Services
Tandem Property Management a division of Lyons Management, Inc.
Powerstone Mgmt. / The Emmons Company
The Management Trust
View community profiles and add attendees into your favorites list.
Includes two company reps. Exclusive networking with management companies for initial six rounds.
Includes two company reps that will visit management companies together (after the event sponsors).
CAI-Channel Islands Chapter has the following policies in place to encourage a respectful networking experience for everyone. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director, Leah Ross at 805-658-1438 or email
CAI-Channel Islands Chapter No Suitcasing Policy
CAI – Channel Islands Chapter relies on the generosity of its sponsors and exhibitors, and in return strictly prohibits companies or individuals not registered as sponsors or exhibitors of a chapter event from soliciting sales or sales leads, offering or promoting goods or services at that event, or soliciting participants for their company's social activities. Non-exhibiting business partners may exchange their business cards only when asked.
Those violating this policy will receive an initial warning. If any further violation occurs, the violator may be charged the exhibitor sponsorship rate for that event in question, and/or the Chapter's Executive Committee may take additional actions available to the Chapter, as it deems appropriate.
CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Member Professionalism Policy
CAI – Channel Islands Chapter operates upon mutual respect and professionalism among its members, and therefore has the following guidelines in place to promote the highest level of professional conduct and ethical behavior among its members.
Violators of this policy will receive an initial warning. If the offending behavior reoccurs after a warning has been issued, the Executive Committee may take additional actions available to the Chapter as it deems appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to the ability to attend chapter events and if applicable, a formal complaint submitted to the CAI-National Designation Ethics Committee.