Save the date
Save the dateFebruary 22, 202411:15 AM - 1:00 PM (PST) Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Spanish Hills Club

999 Crestview Avenue
Camarillo, California

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Event Details
Event Details

This program will cover:

  • Rule Enforcement procedures and best practices
  • Who enforces the rules? Who reports rule violators? Is it acceptable to take photos/videos to show proof of violation?
  • Understanding Due Process and the benefits of using it
  • Enforcement procedures: Understanding IDR, ADR, Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation
  • When should association counsel be brought in?
  • Case law we can learn from for effective enforcement.
Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners
Registration & Cancellation Information
Registration & Cancellation Information

FOR HOA BOARD MEMBERS & HOMEOWNERS, register as a "homeowner leader". If you would like us to invoice your association for your registration, select "check" as the payment type on the registration payment page. Thank you!

Chapter Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel, please do so at least 7 days prior to this event. Any no shows or cancellations within 7 days, will be charged the registration fee. You can send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend but please notify the chapter office by emailing


Homeowner Leader Member Luncheon Registration

For HOA board members / homeowners who are members of CAI-Channel Islands Chapter.


Homeowner Leader Non-member Lunch Registration

For HOA board members / homeowners (non-members) - Join CAI to receive the discounted rate!


Community Manager Member Luncheon Registration

For CAI-CIC manager members.


Community Manager Non-member Lunch Registration

Join CAI to receive the discounted rate!


Business Partner Member Luncheon Registration

For CAI-CIC Business Partner members.


Business Partner Non-member Lunch Registration

Join CAI to receive the discounted rate.

Chapter Policies
Chapter Policies

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter has the following policies in place to encourage a respectful networking experience for everyone. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director, Leah Ross at 805-658-1438 or email

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter No Suitcasing Policy

CAI – Channel Islands Chapter relies on the generosity of its sponsors and exhibitors, and in return strictly prohibits companies or individuals not registered as sponsors or exhibitors of a chapter event from soliciting sales or sales leads, offering or promoting goods or services at that event, or soliciting participants for their company's social activities. Non-exhibiting business partners may exchange their business cards only when asked. 

Those violating this policy will receive an initial warning.  If any further violation occurs, the violator may be charged the exhibitor sponsorship rate for that event in question, and/or the Chapter's Executive Committee may take additional actions available to the Chapter, as it deems appropriate.

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Member Professionalism Policy

CAI – Channel Islands Chapter operates upon mutual respect and professionalism among its members, and therefore has the following guidelines in place to promote the highest level of professional conduct and ethical behavior among its members.

  • The Chapter prohibits companies or individuals soliciting event attendees for their own or their company's employment or competing social activities, but does not prohibit an attendee from providing a business card to an individual who requests one.
  • The Chapter prohibits conduct by individuals toward others that could be reasonably interpreted by the recipient, or by the Chapter, as constituting unwelcome physical conduct, verbal conduct, or sexual harassment.

Violators of this policy will receive an initial warning. If the offending behavior reoccurs after a warning has been issued, the Executive Committee may take additional actions available to the Chapter as it deems appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to the ability to attend chapter events and if applicable, a formal complaint submitted to the CAI-National Designation Ethics Committee.